Saturday, November 3, 2007

Nigeria should study India.

Whats really going on! When I see or meet a fellow TT (Techno-Thinker:Someone mentally -concerned about development in his/her country as a way of life) from other parts of the globe based in the United States,they kept asking : What's going on in your country? I felt embarrassed to associate myself with anything Nigeria. It is high time we wake up and do something. The best way to do something is to study India. At one time Nigeria and India were poverty-stricken countries. Today India is moving up at a geometric progression.The World's richest man(Mukesh Ambani with a networth of $64 billion) and fifth richest man (Lakshmi Mittal with a networth of $50.9 billion) are Indians. My advice for Nigerians is to research on this topic:''The Rise Of India". The information therein will get us acquainted on how to go about it.The Indians celebrate the "BrainPower'' of the of the educated lots among them and they branded them as a product for export.There is a ready market on the waiting: North America and Europe.In early years , when U.S was looking where to outsource I.T jobs, Nigeria and India were on top of the list considered.India was willing and Nigeria was not ready, so they discovered.If you are a fellow TT who is 24/7 concerned about Nigeria, please lets come together and educate one another on how Nigeria can move forward technologically .I have an assignment for every willing Nigerians( Home and Abroad).Reseach on the topic: ''The Rise Of India".